Saturday 1 September 2012

Brothers Grimm Version

Disney's most classic films were not Walt Disney's own creation. He took Cinderella, Snow White The Little Mermaid and Sleeping Beauty all from two brothers: The Brothers Grimm. 

Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm were born in Germany in the 1780's. They are most famous for writing folk stories which have been adapted and modernised over the years, the first of their stories where published in 1812 with the title of "Children's and Household Tales".  In the turn of the century romantic novels where becoming more popular so the Brother's Grimm decided to make their folk stories have a sense of romance about them so that they could sell more books. 

The original stories were very different compared to what we are told as children: 

The Little Mermaid
                              The Mermaid feels an unbelievable amount of pain when she walks.
                              Her mother is alive in the original but not in the Disney version.
                              The Captain that Ariel falls in love with marries another girl, in the Disney version Ariel 
                              gets the Prince. 
                              Ariel's sister offers her a knife to kill the Prince.
                              Ariel commits suicide when she sees the Prince with another woman.

Snow White
                    The Queen requests the liver and kidney as well as her heart to for dinner
                    Snow White is not awaken by a kiss but by the jostling of the horse in which her coffin is being 
                    carried by.

                 The steps-sisters try to cut off parts of their feet in order to fit into the glass slippers.
                  At the end of the story the prince orders two pidgeons peck out the sisters eyes, and they live          
                  out to be blind beggars for the rest of their lives.

Sleeping Beauty
                         The princess is put to sleep buy a curse not a spell.
                         (In the very first version, not the Brothers Grimm) The princess is raped by the King and 
                         carries his child and is awaken when the child sucks the thorn from her finger.

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